Not Cool

Not Cool

The Hipster Elite and Their War on You




March 18, 2014 | ISBN 9780804138543

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March 18, 2014 | ISBN 9780804191586

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About the Book

Behind every awful, dangerous decision lurks one evil beast: the Cool.  
From politics to the personal, from fashion to food, from the campus to the locker room, the desire to be cool has infected  all aspects of our lives. At its most harmless, it is annoying. At its worst, it is deadly, on a massive scale.  The Cool are the termites of life, infiltrating every nook and cranny and destroying it from within. The Cool report the news, write the scripts, teach our children, run our government—and each day they pass judgment on those who don’t worship at the altar of their coolness.  The cool fawn over terrorists, mock the military, and denigrate employers. They are, in short, awful people. 

From what we wear and what we eat, to what we smoke and who we poke, pop culture is crafted and manipulated by the cool and, to Greg Gutfeld, that's Not Cool. 

How do the cool enslave you? By convincing you that: 
- If you don't agree with them no one will like you. 
- If you don't follow them you will miss out on life. 
- If you don't listen to them you will die a lonely loser

How do you vanquish the cool and discover your own true self? Read this book. 
In  Not Cool,  Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of The Joy Of Hate, lays out the battle plan for reclaiming the real American ideal of cool--building businesses, protecting freedom at home and abroad, taking responsibility for your actions, and leaving other people alone to live as they damn well please.  Not Cool fights back against the culture of phonies, elitists, and creeps who want your soul. It’s not a book, it’s a weapon—and one should be armed with it at all times.
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Praise for Not Cool

"Every page has at least one gut buster, lines so ripe you’ll want to recycle them at the next cocktail party." - Jon David Kahn,
 “Not Cool is a wonderful book, but it is also something more. Now that it has joined Gutfeld’s earlier bestseller, The Joy of Hate, a longstanding problem of American writing has sorted itself out….Our only bona fide misanthrope was Ambrose Bierce, and Greg Gutfeld is his heir.”—Florence King, National Review
“Read Greg Gutfeld’s new book to vanquish the uncool “cool,” and with it save the country, while laughing, crying and cursing the whole way through.” –Benjamin Weingarten, The Blaze
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About the Author

Greg Gutfeld
Greg Gutfeld is a cohost of the hit show The Five and the host of The Greg Gutfeld Show on the Fox News Channel. He is the author of The Bible of Unspeakable Truths and the New York Times bestsellers The Joy of Hate and Not Cool. He contributes regularly to More by Greg Gutfeld
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