Spark Joy

An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up




January 5, 2016 | ISBN 9781607749738

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About the Book

Japanese decluttering guru Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has revolutionized homes—and lives—across the world. Now, Kondo presents an illustrated guide to her acclaimed KonMari Method, with step-by-step folding illustrations for everything from shirts to socks, plus drawings of perfectly organized drawers and closets. She also provides advice on frequently asked questions, such as whether to keep “necessary” items that may not bring you joy. With guidance on specific categories including kitchen tools, cleaning supplies, hobby goods, and digital photos, this comprehensive companion is sure to spark joy in anyone who wants to simplify their life.

Includes a bonus PDF with instructional illustrations
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Praise for Spark Joy

New York Times Best Seller

". . . the organization expert who dazzled the world with her Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is back with more spirit-rousing advice."
-- People

"Just in time to make good on your New Year’s vow to get organized."
-- The Washington Post

". . .perhaps the world’s only decluttering celebrity."
-- The New York Times

"If the first book was merely an introduction to Kondo’s radical philosophy, known as the KonMari method, the new one goes deep into the details . . . the result is inescapable: a home, and a vision of life, that truly sparks joy."

"If you wanted more from her first book, this is what you've been waiting for."
-- MindBodyGreen

"In her new organizational how-to book, Kondo's mission is to help us identify what brings joy while simultaneously cultivating more of it."
-- Los Angeles Times

"I'm an evangelist for Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizational guru whose unique tidying techniques have become a worldwide sensation. I've read both of her books and completed the full decluttering/reorganizing program in six months. In the last year, it has been my favorite thing to bring up to my friends, co-workers, heck, even distant cousins. I am obsessed, because it really has transformed my living space and shattered many of my bad habits related to tidying."
-- PopSugar

"Kondo’s way of anthropomorphizing belongings and paying them the respect of taking them out of the closet for a proper dismissal makes a big difference. . . . consider me a Konvert."
-- Chloe Malle,

"From the perfect underwear drawer, to how to store socks, Marie Kondo is helping the world to properly (and lovingly) store their most beloved possessions, one fold at a time."
-- Bustle

Praise for Marie Kondo and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up:

"Ms. Kondo delivers her tidy manifesto like a kind of Zen nanny, both hortatory and animistic."
-The New York Times

". . . a literal how-to-heave-ho, and I recommend it for anyone who struggles with the material excess of living in a privileged society. (Thanks to Ms. Kondo, I kiss my old socks goodbye.) ... To show you how serious my respect for Ms. Kondo is: if I ever get a tattoo, it will say, Spark Joy!"
-- Jamie Lee Curtis, TIME 

"This book is a cult. A totally reasonable, scary cult that works, doesn’t kill people (a bonus), but does drastically change your life. In this case — for the better."
-- Buzzfeed

"The most organized woman in the world."
-- PureWow

". . . her voice . . . is by turns stern and enchanted, like a fairy godmother for socks."
-- The Wall Street Journal

"Reading it, you glimpse a glittering mental freedom from the unread/uncrafted/unworn, buyer’s remorse, the nervous eyeing of real estate listings. Life’s overwhelm, conquered." 
-- The Atlantic 

"I can only describe the way I felt afterward as an organizational high. I had a sense of being more in control of my life than I ever had before, which inspired me to maintain the order in the months that followed. Not bad for a Sunday afternoon."
-- In Style

"All hail the new decluttering queen Marie Kondo, whose mess-busting bestseller has prompted a craze for tidying in homes across the world . . . one proper clear out is all you need for the rest of your life."
-- Good Housekeeping (UK)

"Kondo's method really can change your life — if you let it."

"Kondo challenges you to ask yourself whether each object you have is achieving a purpose. Is it propelling you forward or holding you in the past?"
-- USA Today

"Its strength is its simplicity."
-- The London Times
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Spark Joy

Life truly begins only after you have put your house in order. That’s why I’ve devoted most of my life to the study of tidying. I want to help as many people as possible tidy up once and for all. 
This doesn’t mean, however, that you should just dump anything and everything. Far from it. Only when you know how to choose those things that spark joy can you attain your ideal lifestyle.
If you are confident that something brings you joy, keep it, regardless of what anyone else might say. Even if it isn’t perfect, no matter how mundane it might be, when you use it with care and respect, you transform it into something priceless. As you repeat this selection process, you increase your sensitivity to joy. This not only acceler-ates your tidying pace but also hones your decision-making

capacity in all areas of life. Taking good care of your things leads to taking good care of yourself.

What sparks joy for you personally? And what doesn’t?

The answers to these questions represent a major clue for getting to know yourself as a recipient of the gift of life. And I am convinced that the perspective we gain through this process represents the driving force that can make not only our lifestyle, but our very lives, shine.
Some people have told me that they had almost

nothing left after discarding those things that didn’t spark joy and, at first, didn’t know what to do. This reaction seems particularly common when people finish tidying their clothes. If it happens to you, don’t be discouraged. The important thing is that you have noticed. The real tragedy is to live your entire life without anything that brings you joy and never even realize it. From the moment you finish tidying, you can begin to add a new zest to your home and to your life. 

Only two skills are necessary to successfully put your house in order: the ability to keep what sparks joy and chuck the rest, and the ability to decide where to keep each thing you choose and always put it back in its place. 

The important thing in tidying is not deciding what to discard but rather what you want to keep in your life. It is my hope that the magic of tidying will help you create a bright and joyful future.

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up Series

Marie Kondo's Kurashi at Home
The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up
Spark Joy
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

About the Author

Marie Kondo
Marie Kondo is a tidying expert, star of the Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, #1 New York Times bestselling author, and founder of KonMari Media, Inc.
Enchanted with organizing since her childhood, Marie began her tidying consultant business as a 19-year-old university student in Tokyo. Today, Marie is a renowned tidying expert helping people around the world to transform their cluttered homes into spaces of serenity and inspiration.
Marie has been featured on more than fifty major Japanese television and radio programs as well as in The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalThe Times of London, VogueEllen, the Rachael Ray show, and many more. She has also been listed as one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people. More by Marie Kondo
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