
How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness

About the Book

These days it’s hard to count on the world outside. So it’s vital to grow strengths inside like grit, gratitude, and compassion—the key to resilience, and to lasting well-being in a changing world.
True resilience is much more than enduring terrible conditions. We need resilience every day to raise a family, work at a job, cope with stress, deal with health problems, navigate issues with others, heal from old pain, and simply keep on going.
With his trademark blend of neuroscience, mindfulness, and positive psychology, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Rick Hanson shows you how to develop twelve vital inner strengths hardwired into your own nervous system. Then no matter what life throws at you, you’ll be able to feel less stressed, pursue opportunities with confidence, and stay calm and centered in the face of adversity.
This practical guide is full of concrete suggestions, experiential practices, personal examples, and insights into the brain. It includes effective ways to interact with others and to repair and deepen important relationships.
Warm, encouraging, and down-to-earth, Dr. Hanson’s step-by-step approach is grounded in the science of positive neuroplasticity. He explains how to overcome the brain’s negativity bias, release painful thoughts and feelings, and replace them with self-compassion, self-worth, joy, and inner peace.

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Praise for Resilient

“Rick and Forrest have laid out a simple, elegant matrix of powerful tools to grow that “unshakable core of calm, strength, and happiness” that is the secret longing of every human heart. Speaking as both a psychologist and a fellow traveler, this is the most valuable, comprehensive book on human development that I’ve ever read.”
—Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind
“Using practical methods at the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and contemplative practice, Dr. Rick Hanson teaches us how we can develop durable psychological resources such as grit, gratitude, and compassion – and become resilient human beings in this modern, hectic world. If you're looking to create more calm, joy, and inner peace, this is the book for you.”
—Mark Hyman, M.D., Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine 
“Rick Hanson is a brilliant and masterful guide in cultivating the traits that underlie a happy, fulfilled live. Resilient will give you exactly what you need for positive transformation: accessible and powerful strategies that awaken your natural intelligence, confidence, and heart.”
—Tara Brach, Ph.D., author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
“Through detailed examples and exercises, we learn how to calm the mind and optimize opportunities to connect with others. Underlying this beautifully written narrative is the view that through positive experience of oneself and others, our brains rewire to promote benevolence, generosity, gratitude, and compassion.”
—Stephen Porges, Ph.D., Distinguished University Scientist, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Professor of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina
“Rick Hanson is a perfect guide for these times. In Resilient, he is both wise and scientific, practical and expansive. He names the often unconscious tilt toward negativity that so many of us have and a way to rewire our brains—and therefore,  our entire orientation to being alive. His words are so reassuring, so useful, so easy to implement even when we think it and we are hopeless. If we are to make it through these challenging times, it will be by being resilient—and have Resilient by our sides.”
—Geneen Roth, author of New York Times bestseller Women Food and God and This Messy Magnificent Life
“Smart and well-written, Resilient provides a clear blueprint for sustaining happiness by building a reservoir of resilience. With his trademark deep synthesis of multiple disciplines, Rick Hanson provides a practical guidebook for anyone living in complicated and challenging times, which means this book couldn't come at a better time.”
—Shawn Achor, author of New York Times bestseller The Happiness Advantage and Big Potential
“In this landmark book, Rick Hanson guides the reader, with clear practical steps, to build and fortify the critical resource of resilience.  In clear terms, large with research and wisdom while short on jargon and platitudes, Hanson shows us how we can all grow “an unshakable core of calm, strength, and happiness.” A most important book, equally valuable for professional and lay seekers on the path to vibrancy and wholeness.”
—Peter A Levine, author of Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma and In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness.
“Written with dignity and grace, this book offers a wealth of insights and practical skills for staying strong in the face of adversity. It is a guide to living with integrity, illustrated with disarmingly candid personal observations and supported by scientific research.”
—Christopher Germer, Ph.D., Lecturer, Harvard Medical School, author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion
“In the chaos of uncertainty and adversity, one calm person in the room can make all the difference, and Rick Hanson shows us how to be that person. Resilient offers highly accessible methods to overcome the brain’s negativity bias and find our way to buoyancy rather than burn out. This book is an immeasurable resource and gift for well-being.”
—Frank Ostaseski, Author of The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully
“This clear, comprehensive, and kind guide is a science-backed compendium of simple practices and insightful wisdom for the challenging world we face each day.”
—Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., author of Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human and Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence
“Resilient is a wise and compassionate book. It's a beautiful hands-on guide to foster balance, happiness, and health. In reading these pages, you can literally feel Rick and Forrest's sincere and kind voices guiding us to grow wiser and more grounded. This is truly a special and rare offering. Wow!”
—Bob Stahl, Ph.D., coauthor of A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook; Living With Your Heart Wide Open; Calming the Rush of Panic; A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook for Anxiety; and MBSR Everyday
“Rooted in brain science and positive psychology, this book is a treasure trove of best practices for maintaining sustainable, undentable joy. It is precisely what we have come to expect from Rick Hanson: a book that is practical, empirical, readable, and deeply wise.”
—Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Positive Psychology, author of The Little Book of Gratitude and Gratitude Works!
“Dr. Hanson covers a large amount of helpful information in easy to read language containing much richness and wisdom. There are specific examples of how to grow resources, and this book is well worth the read.”
—Sandra Prince-Embury, Ph.D., The Resiliency Institute of Allenhurst, Developer of widely used scales measuring resilience and co-editor of Resilience in Children, Adolescents and Adults: Translating Research for Practice
“With humor, warmth, honesty, and a gift for making complicated ideas come alive, Dr. Hanson weaves together insights from neurobiology, modern psychology, and ancient wisdom traditions to provide easy-to-use tools to care for both our heads and our hearts. This is an essential resource not only to survive, but to grow during difficult times.”
—Ronald D. Siegel, Psy.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School, author of The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems
“Tremendously practical neuroscience. Resilient is wise and helpful: skill building for the brain, medicine for the heart, and guidance for living a beautiful and enjoyable life.”
—Jack Kornfield, Ph.D., author of A Path With Heart
“Rick Hanson has transformed many lives with his tools for creating positive plasticity in the brain. Resilient takes the science to a new level. You will learn about inner strengths you didn’t know you had, and how to use them to live your best life, every day.”
—Elissa Epel, Ph.D., Professor, University of California, San Francisco, co-author of The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Longer
“Today there is an epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression. The key to not only surviving but thriving is the development of resilience. Marshaling years of experience combined with the latest science, Rick Hanson gives us a guide for developing resilient well-being. Thoughtful, profound and practical.”
—James R. Doty, M.D., Founder and Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University, author of Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon’s Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart
“We live in a world of rapid change, and sometimes it seems like each day brings a new crisis or disaster. These days, we all need to grow tools that help us stay focused, courageous, and wise in the face of real and imaginary danger. Rick Hanson shows us how.”
—Christine Carter, Ph.D., author of Raising Happiness and The Sweet Spot
“The clarity of Dr. Hanson’s thought and writing emerge from a deep and profound understanding of how we can learn to be more compassionate, calm, and resilient. Everyone who reads this book will find something valuable and useful.”
—Robert D. Truog, M.D., Frances Glessner Lee Professor of Medical Ethics, Anaesthesia, & Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
“Rick Hanson guides us in how to cultivate well-being through learning to hold in mind what is helpful, enjoyable, and promotes flourishing. Here is a book of immense wisdom and practicality. Written in a clear, inviting, and friendly style, it can help all of us to cultivate a mind that is more able to induce happiness for our selves and others.”
—Paul Gilbert. Ph.D., O.B.E., Founder of Compassion Focused Therapy, author of The Compassionate Mind and Living like Crazy
“Rick Hanson weaves together theory and direct experience, sharing honest examples from his own life and simple, practical exercises that prompt the reader into liberating explorations of their own.”
—Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Happiness and Real Love
“Rick Hanson is not only wise and compassionate, he is also brilliant at systematizing complex material into bite-sized, easy to understand pieces.”
—Daniel Ellenberg, Ph.D., founder of Rewire Leadership Institute
“In the jungle of books on mindfulness and neuroscience, Rick Hanson hacks a comprehensive and enlightening path through, while giving insight on how to understand your wild and wooly mind. And if that wasn't enough, he gives us tools to achieve peace and happiness. What more could you ask for?”
—Ruby Wax, O.B.E., author of Sane New World; A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled; and How to Be Human: The Manual
“Resilient is a kind and supportive book that provides welcome wisdom for our increasingly chaotic world.”
—Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., Author of Mindfulness and Hypnosis and Depression is Contagious
“The authors both explore our capacities for enduring well-being and give us the practical tools to transform our lives.”
—Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D., Founder of A Course in Mindful Living 
“Clear, accessible, and wise, this book sums up how to be a better friend to yourself rather than your own worst critic. It can be life-changing for you and for your family.”
—Mark Williams, Ph.D., Co-author of The Mindful Way Through Depression
“Grounded in the latest neuroscience of happiness, Resilient is brimming with insight, engaging practices, and clarity that is so needed in these stressful times. Read it, and you will find the many riches of the resilient mind.”
—Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley, author of Born to Be Good and The Power Paradox

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Chapter 1


If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? If not now, when?

--Rabbi Hillel


One of the most important experiences of my life happened when I was six years old. My family lived in Illinois, on the edge of cornfields. I remember standing outside early one evening, looking down at the rainwater in the ruts left by tractors, and then looking back at our house. I felt wistful and sad about the anger inside it. There were lights twinkling in the distant hills, the homes of other, perhaps happier families.

As an adult today, I can see that my parents were loving, decent people dealing with their own stresses, and that my childhood was fortunate in many ways. My dad had a tough job and my mom had her hands full with my sister and me. I don’t remember what happened in our home that night. It could have been an ordinary argument. But as if it were yesterday, I remember feeling a caring toward myself. I felt bad, those feelings mattered, and I wanted to help myself feel better. Many years later, I learned that this was compassion--the recognition of pain with the desire to relieve it--which can be given to oneself much as it can be given to others.

I clearly recall knowing that it would be up to me to get through the time ahead, and to find those lights and those people and that greater happiness. I loved my parents and wasn’t against anyone. But I was for myself. I was determined--as a child can be, and an adult as well--to have as good a life as I could.

My own path of well-being began with compassion, as it does for most people. Compassion for yourself is fundamental, since if you don’t care how you feel and want to do something about it, it’s hard to make an effort to become happier and more resilient. Compassion is both soft and muscular. For example, studies show that when people feel compassion, motor planning areas in the brain begin preparing for action.

Compassion is a psychological resource, an inner strength. In this chapter, we’ll explore how to grow compassion and use it for yourself, and in later chapters, we’ll see how to bring compassion to others.


Be for Yourself

When we treat others with respect and caring, the best in them usually comes out. Much the same would happen if we could treat ourselves the same way.

Yet most of us are a better friend to others than we are to ourselves. We care about their pain, see positive qualities in them, and treat them fairly and kindly. But what kind of friend are you to yourself? Many people are tough on themselves, critical, second-guessing and self-doubting, tearing down rather than building up.

Imagine treating yourself like you would a friend. You’d be encouraging, warm, and sympathetic, and you’d help yourself heal and grow. Think about what a typical day would be like if you were on your own side. What would it feel like to appreciate your good intentions and good heart, and be less self-critical?


Why It’s Good to Be Good to Yourself

It helps to understand the reasons it’s both fair and important to be on your own side. Otherwise, beliefs like these can take over: “It’s selfish to think about what you want.” “You don’t deserve love.” “Deep down you’re bad.” “You’ll fail if you dream bigger dreams.”

First, there’s the general principle that we should treat people with decency and compassion. Well, “people” includes the person who wears your name tag. The Golden Rule is a two-way street: we should do unto ourselves as we do unto others.

Second, the more influence we have over someone, the more responsibility we have to treat them well. For example, surgeons have great power over their patients, so they have a great duty to be careful when they operate on them. Who’s the one person you can affect the most? It’s yourself, both you in this moment and your future self: the person you will be in the next minute, week, or year. If you think of yourself as someone to whom you have a duty of care and kindness, what might change in how you talk to yourself, and in how you go about your day?

Third, being good to yourself is good for others. When people increase their own well-being, they usually become more patient, cooperative, and caring in their relationships. Think about how it would benefit others if you felt less stressed, worried, or irritated, and more peaceful, contented, and loving.

You can take practical steps to help yourself really believe that it’s good to treat yourself with respect and compassion. You could write down simple statements--such as “I am on my own side” or “I’m taking a stand for myself” or “I matter, too”--and read them aloud to yourself or put them somewhere you’ll see each day. You could imagine telling someone why you are going to take better care of your own needs. Or imagine a friend, a mentor, or even your fairy godmother telling you to be on your own side--and let them talk you into it!


The Feeling of Caring for Yourself

When I left home for UCLA in 1969, I was hyper-rational and stuck in my head. This was a way to avoid feeling sad, hurt, and worried, but then I didn’t feel much of anything at all. I had to get in touch with myself in order to heal and grow. California in the 1970s was at the center of the human potential movement, and I dove in even though it seemed kind of freaky. (Primal screaming! Encounter groups! Bare your soul on demand!) I gradually learned to tune into my emotions and body sensations in general. In particular, I started paying attention to what it felt like to get on my own side, and to have warmth and support toward myself instead of coldness and criticism. It felt good to do this, so I kept doing it. Each time I focused on these positive experiences was like working a muscle and strengthening it, again and again. With repetition, kindness and encouragement for myself gradually sank in and became a natural way of being.

Many years later as a psychologist, I learned how my intuitive efforts had worked. Focusing on and staying with any experience of a psychological resource--such as the sense of being for yourself--is a powerful way to reinforce it in your brain. Then you take that inner strength with you wherever you go.

In the chapters on Mindfulness and Learning, I’ll explain in detail how to turn your thoughts and feelings into lasting strengths inside: the basis of true resilience. The essence is simple: first, experience what you want to develop in yourself--such as compassion or gratitude--and second, focus on it and keep it going to increase its consolidation in your nervous system.

This is the fundamental process of positive brain change. To get a sense of it, try the practice in the box. It takes only a minute or two, or you can slow it down for a deeper effect. Like anything I suggest, adapt it to your own needs. Additionally, in the flow of everyday life, notice when you have an attitude or feeling of caring for yourself, and then stay with the experience for a few extra moments, feeling it in your body, sinking into it as it sinks into you.


Being for Yourself

Bring to mind a time when you were on somebody’s side: perhaps a child you were protecting, a friend you were encouraging, or an aging parent with health issues. Recall what this felt like in your body--in the set of your shoulders, in the expression on your face. Recall some of your thoughts and feelings--perhaps caring, determination, even a fierce intensity.

Then, knowing what it’s like to be on someone’s side, apply this attitude to yourself. Get a sense of being an ally to yourself--someone who will look out for you, help you, protect you. Recognize that you have rights and needs that matter.

It’s normal if other reactions come up, such as feeling unworthy. Just notice and disengage from them, and then come back to the sense of wishing yourself well. Focus on this experience, and stay with it for a couple breaths or longer.

Bring to mind times when you were really on your own side. Perhaps you were encouraging yourself during a tough period at work or speaking up to someone who hurt you. Get a sense of what that was like, emotionally and in your body. Remember some of the thoughts you had, such as “It’s only fair for others to help, too.” Stay with this experience and let it fill your mind.

Know what it’s like to be committed to your own well-being. Let the feelings, thoughts, and intentions of being a true friend to yourself sink in, becoming a part of you.


Bring Compassion to Your Pain

Compassion is a warmhearted sensitivity to suffering--from subtle mental or physical discomfort to agonizing pain--along with the desire to help if you can. Giving compassion lowers stress and calms your body. Receiving compassion makes you stronger: more able to take a breath, find your footing, and keep on going.

You get the benefits of both giving and receiving compassion when you offer it to yourself. Much as you can see the burdens and stresses of others, you can recognize these same things in yourself. Much as you can feel moved by their suffering, you can be touched by your own. You can bring the same support to yourself that you’d provide for someone else. And if there’s not much compassion for you coming from others, it’s more important than ever to give it to yourself.

This is not whining or wallowing in misery. Compassion for yourself is where you start when things are tough, not where you stop. Research by Kristin Neff and others has shown that self-compassion makes a person more resilient, more able to bounce back. It lowers self-criticism and builds up self-worth, helping you to be more ambitious and successful, not complacent and lazy. In compassion for your own pain is a sense of common humanity: we all suffer, we all face disease and death, we all lose others we love. Everyone is fragile. As Leonard Cohen sang: “There is a crack in everything / That’s how the light gets in.” Everyone is cracked. Everyone needs compassion.


Challenges to Self-Compassion

Yet self-compassion is challenging for many of us. One reason has to do with how our nervous system works. The brain is designed to be changed by our experiences, particularly negative ones, and especially those that occurred in childhood. It’s normal to internalize the ways that your parents and others have treated you--which might have included ignoring, belittling, or punishing your softer feelings and longings--and then treat yourself in the same way.

For example, I had conscientious and loving parents, and I’m very grateful to them. That said, while growing up, I experienced frequent criticism and not much compassion, and I took these attitudes into myself. I’ve always been moved by the pain of others. But my own pain? I pushed it away, and then wondered why it kept growing.


Learning Compassion

I had to learn how to bring compassion to my own suffering. We learn many things in life, including how to ride a bicycle, apologize to a friend, or talk ourselves down from being upset. What does it take for learning to happen?

The key to growing any psychological resource, including compassion, is to have repeated experiences of it that get turned into lasting changes in neural structure or function. It’s like recording a song on an old-fashioned tape recorder: as the song plays--as you experience the resource--you can help it leave a physical trace behind in your nervous system.

When you’re already experiencing something enjoyable or useful--perhaps the satisfaction in finishing a report at work or the comfort in plopping onto the sofa at the end of a long day--simply notice it. You can also deliberately create an experience of something you want to develop, such as the feeling of being on your own side. Once you’re having the experience, feel it as fully as possible and take a little time--a breath or two or ten--to stay with it. The more often you do this, the more you will tend to hardwire psychological resources into yourself.

To develop more self-compassion, take a few minutes to try the practice in the box. As you build up compassion for yourself, you’ll be more able to tap into it whenever you want.


Compassion for Yourself

Bring to mind times you have felt cared about by people, pets, or spiritual beings, in your life today or in your past. Any kind of caring for you counts, such as times you were included, seen, appreciated, liked, or loved. Relax and open yourself to feeling cared about. If you get distracted, just come back to feeling cared about. Stay with these feelings and sense them sinking in, like water into a sponge.

Then think about one or more people you have compassion for--perhaps a child in pain, a friend going through a divorce, or refugees on the other side of the world. Get a sense of their burdens, worries, and suffering. Feel a warmheartedness, a sympathetic concern. You could put a hand on your heart and have thoughts such as, “May your pain ease . . . may you find work . . . may you get through this illness.” Give yourself over to compassion, letting it fill you and flow through you.

Knowing what compassion feels like, apply it to yourself. Recognize any ways you feel stressed, tired, ill, mistreated, or unhappy. Then bring compassion to yourself as you would to a friend who felt like you do. Know that everyone suffers and that you are not alone in your pain. Perhaps place a hand on your heart or your cheek. Depending on what has happened, you could think, “May I not suffer . . . may these hurt feelings pass . . . may I not worry so much . . . may I heal from this illness.” Imagine compassion like a gentle warm rain coming down into you, touching and soothing the weary, hurting, longing places inside.


Find Acceptance

One time a friend and I climbed the East Buttress to the top of Mount Whitney. The route back to our tent went down a snow-filled gulley. It was October, the snow had turned to ice, and we had to move carefully and slowly. It was getting dark and we couldn’t see where we were going. Rather than risk a deadly fall, we decided to sit on a small ledge all night, wrapped in a space blanket with our feet in our daypacks, shivering in freezing temperatures.

About the Author

Rick Hanson, PhD
Rick Hanson, PhD, is a psychologist, senior fellow of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times bestselling author. A summa cum laude graduate of UCLA and founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, he has been an invited speaker at NASA, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, and other major universities, and he has taught in meditation centers worldwide. He and his wife live in San Rafael, California, and have two adult children. More by Rick Hanson, PhD
Decorative Carat

About the Author

Forrest Hanson
Rick Hanson, PhD, is a psychologist, senior fellow of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times bestselling author. A summa cum laude graduate of UCLA and founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, he has been an invited speaker at NASA, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, and other major universities, and he has taught in meditation centers worldwide. He and his wife live in San Rafael, California, and have two adult children. More by Forrest Hanson
Decorative Carat
Random House Publishing Group