Be the Difference Monthly Planner
IntroductionHe has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
—Micah 6:8 (esv)
The world around us has always been broken, but as believers, we have been called to do something about it. In fact, when Jesus walked on earth, caring for the poor, the widows, the orphans, and the marginalized was a major part of His ministry. He saw and recognized the broken parts of the world, but rather than just shrugging them off in a “that’s just the way the world is” kind of way, He chose to act.
If you picked up this planner, chances are you probably feel a similar urge to help restore and repair the world’s broken parts. You want to change the world, but when it comes to deciding what issue(s) to focus on or even where to begin, you feel a bit lost. You wouldn’t call yourself an activist, but you still want to . . . well . . . act. Do something. Make a difference.
To avoid feeling overwhelmed or disillusioned when facing such an important undertaking, the trick is to take things one month, one week, and one day at a time, and that’s where the
Be the Difference Planner can help. Within these pages, you’ll find the space and tools to identify the issues that matter most to you and to help you map out intentional steps to create a meaningful impact.
Whether you choose to focus on one issue month after month, or you choose to rotate through issues, the Bible says that “each one of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10).
• doing the research and growing your awareness about specific causes locally, nationally, and globally;
• finding and connecting with a like-minded community;
• strengthening your advocacy skills by learning how to maximize your time, talents, resources, and voice.
As a person of faith, you probably believe that God can create beauty even from the most lifeless ashes and make all things new. Redemption is part of His plan, and the amazing thing is that He has called us to be a part of it. By using this planner, you’re taking the first step.
Within the first pages of this planner, you are invited to write, sketch, or cut and paste images about the issues that matter most to you. Of course, there are so many causes to choose from, and narrowing your focus can feel impossibly overwhelming, but this space has been designed to help you identify the best starting point based on your personal passions and how your talents and skills can help you advocate well. If you’re still feeling stuck, the back of this planner has an overview of some major issues along with lists of both faith-based and mainstream organizations that are already doing the work.
At the beginning of each month, you will have the freedom to choose a specific cause or issue to focus on from your brainstorming pages. The next month, you can choose to focus on the same issue or explore a new cause to champion. You will be challenged to do research, find a community to connect or get involved with, and set specific goals around how you can use your voice or resources to have immediate impact locally, nationally, or globally.
At the end of each month, you will have space to reflect on your progress, what you have learned, or whether you need to make any adjustments in your advocacy.
You’ll also find space to organize your month in a way that works best for you. Each month, you can set a new goal, such as researching, volunteering, relationship building, or self-care, with room to jot down key takeaways and insights from each week. You can look back at these notes when you reflect at the end of each month.
In addition to the monthly spreads, this planner features bonus content for diving deeper into your advocacy journey.