Praise for Deepen Your Friendship with God
“Faith Eury Cho’s Deepen Your Friendship with God offers a transformative journey into the joy and fulfillment of an intimate relationship with our Creator. Each devotional invites readers to slow down and reflect, drawing them closer to an awareness of God’s presence and uncovering the depth of His love. This book is a treasure and a must-read for anyone seeking to know Jesus more deeply and live fully in the joy of His presence.”—Dr. Donna Pisani , speaker, pastor, leadership mentor, and author of Entrusted to Lead
“Faith has broken it down so simply for us—how to enjoy God while drawing nearer to Him. Her guided devotional practices help create consistent rhythms for developing depth in our walk with the Lord, despite our busy lives. Deepen Your Friendship with God is a great devotional, no matter where you, spiritually!”—Lisa Whittle, bible teacher, bestselling author of Jesus Over Everything
“What I love about Faith Eury Cho is that she is the real deal, and this book is born from Cho's very real friendship with the Spirit of God. Deepen Your Friendship With God invites the participant to pour out their heart to Jesus, acknowledge his presence, and meditate on scripture—all with Cho's signature authenticity and passion for God and the reader. This does not ignore the pain of our wilderness seasons, but even in the midst of pain, moves us toward the hope, enjoyment, abundance, and friendship that are ours in Christ. Great for both personal and group study.”—Aubrey Sampson, pastor, podcaster, and author of What We Find in the Dark: Loss, Hope, and God's Presence in Grief, The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament
“Faith writes from a deep place. In this beautiful book and from her own friendship with God she invites us into a transforming journey to know and love Him more.”—Sheila Walsh, author and host on Trinity Broadcasting Network