Join us on Thursday, September 14 at 8 p.m. ET for a conversation between Esau McCaulley and Beth Moore, centering on the publication of Esau’s new book, How Far to the Promised Land.

How Far to the Promised Land is Esau’s memoir—a thrilling and tender epic about being Black in America. It’s a book that questions our too-simple narratives about poverty and upward mobility; a book in which people normally written out of the American Dream are given voice.

Esau and Beth will spend the hour discussing Esau’s process behind writing the book, why he decided to write this book now, what he learned from the writing process and what he hopes for those who read this book. But beyond the writing, as friends, they will discourse about key questions this book raises. Questions like:

  • What does each person’s struggle to build a life teach us about what we owe each other?
  • What it means to be human?
  • What is redemption?
  • What does forgiveness actually mean?
  • How do we reconcile our faith in God with the brutalities of life?

To register for this event, pre-order How Far to the Promised Land from anywhere books are sold, and submit your proof of purchase when signing up. Then, join us for an evening of inspiring conversation.

Event Details

September 14, 2023 • 8:00 pm ET

Spiritual Thought

Spiritual Thought is Random House’s community for those of us who embrace the nuances of our contemporary spiritual lives—driven to challenge conventional theological ideas while considering the fascinating ways science, society, psychology, and faith can deepen our most profound experiences.

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