The Perfect Business Plan Made Simple

The Perfect Business Plan Made Simple

The best guide to writing a plan that will secure financial backing for your bus iness

About the Book

Successfully start your own profitable business
Starting your own business is an American Dream. But raising money requires a polished business plan that sells financial backers on your idea. The Perfect Business Plan Made Simple approaches the business plan as a sales document that will persuade bankers and venture capitalists to invest in your new or growing enterprise. Featuring examples and detailed sample plans, this updated edition addresses legal concerns and special issues unique to internet-based businesses. Detailed writing instructions, overviews of the funding process, and explanations of why certain arguments are crucial make this guide invaluable to both novices and experienced entrepreneurs. Important topics include:
• your business’s mission and strategy
• the written plan and the role of presentations
• the target audience principle
• making financial projections
• how to make and present a marketing plan
• special considerations for service businesses
• contingencies–what you’ll do if things go wrong
• legal and ownership issues
• dot-com businesses
• a self-test to see if you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur

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Made Simple Series

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Earth Science Made Simple
The Perfect Business Plan Made Simple
Psychology Made Simple
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About the Author

William Lasher, Ph.D.
WILLIAM LASHER, Ph.D., holds his doctorate in economics and is a certified public accountant. He has served as a planning analyst with Texas Instruments, director of planning and controller for Harris Data Communications, and chief financial officer of Pactel Information Systems. More by William Lasher, Ph.D.
Decorative Carat
Random House Publishing Group